Sunday, June 8, 2008

Download YouTube videos

Not just YouTube but most of the websites sharing some form of videos have shifted to Flash format (.flv files). There are websites that can download these videos for you but do you really need to go to another website to download these ??

1. You need to install a player for .flv files. You can search on Google for free flv player. Here is the link to the one I use:

FLV Player

2. To download a video from YouTube, just play the video using Internet Explorer. Once it is fully played, go to Tools menu --> Internet Options. Under Browing History, click on Settings and then click View Files. It will open the Temporary Files Folder in your hard drive. You can sort the files by name or size (or even type) and look for a file with name starting with get_video (without any file extension).

3. Copy and paste this file some where in your computer and add an extension (.flv) to it. Play it with the FLV Player you downloaded earlier.

Hurray !!!

Even the videos from other websites, which are in flash format, can be downloaded and played using the above steps. They may already have .flv extension or may not like in case of YouTube.

Tip: If you want to reduce the effort in finding the file in Temporary Files Folder, clean your your browsing history before you play the file. For this, go to Tools menu --> Internet Options --> Delete Browsing History.. and click Delete All and selet the box for Also delete files and settings stored by Add-ons and click yes.